past the peanut butter jars with wires full of electricity. nobody's dog. moving through it all. brave as any army.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

dictated but not read.

this blog, as you can determine by scrolling down a bit, began as a forum to share songs I like. 

I have since moved on to sharing my scribbles with y'all, but in honor of my newly-repaired laptop's new lease on life, here is the day I've had today, in six songs or less.

Death in June: "Good Mourning Sun"
- A sad song, but then, what DIJ song isn't? I listened to The Rule of Thirds on my bike ride to work this morning. It's bright and warm in northern Arizona these days: spring is in the air, birds are fucking on the ground like common hobos, and above all, the sun is shining in the biggest sky in all of these united states (sorry Montana, but this is a place for real talk). This morning was clear as a bell and rather cool, unlike myself, who was poorly-shaven and slightly hung over. 

Modest Mouse: "The View"
- They say old punks never die, they either grow up or burn out. This is a mantra I've never been fully able to get behind, for reasons including but not limited to the continued existence and vitality of future President Henry Rollins. Perhaps there are exceptions to every rule, or maybe not. Maybe catchphrases and mantras ought to start phasing out in favor of the view; we are long overdue for a focus adjustment. Stop dumbing down and change the setting to "panorama." 

Bouncing Souls: "Hopeless Romantic"
- Ah, fond memories - something I spend the better part of each day dwelling on. Memories of a red Isuzu Trooper, a car full of pizzas I didn't get to eat, and more passengers than the car could accommodate. Call me a dreamer, but at least I'm not John Lennon. 

Dinosaur Jr.: "The Wagon"
- Not a lot to say about this one, just an oldie and a goodie. Somehow this song always seems to find itself playing when I am in a hurry to get somewhere. Today was no exception, but take solace in the fact that I got there nearly on time today.

Severed Head of State: "Shame of the Cross"
-Love, love, LOVE this song. My introduction to crust, straight up. Again, this didn't factor heavily into my thought process for the day, but nothing that embattled my little mind throughout the work day can compete with knowing I'm gonna get some Severed Head as soon as I get home.

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